Monday, September 22, 2008

Quick Update

I had my second doctor's appointment earlier this month and the doctor said everything was great. I even got to hear that quick little heartbeat for a few seconds, it was beating at a rate of about 160. I still cannot believe that I am pregnant. I would say that I don't "feel" pregnant, but I guess I just don't recognize what I feel as pregnant. The exhaustion this time around has been ridiculous. One day last week, my boss actually sent me home earlier to sleep. I must have looked pretty rough. But I must say that was what I needed, I even took the next morning off to sleep 3 more hours. It was amazing how productive I was that afternoon, being so well rested. My next doctor's appointment is early October and we should be able to find out what we are having early November when we are at week 20. With the first trimester over, I am looking forward to this exhaustion and upset stomach going away. For now I think it is God's way of making me rest, cause otherwise, I can't sit still.


Nancy said...

Glad it's going well so far. Can't wait to find out if we have a playdate or "date" buddy :)

ShieldsC said...

they say this isn't true, but a fast heartbeat (160) is supposed to indicate a girl!! Both of mine had it. I got one dr. to say it was about 5% greater chance if it's a fast heartrate. :)